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Access Codes | Streamlining your sales process

Discover our revamped process for selling Memorial Coins! With our new Access Codes, customers get instant access to their Memorial page — no waiting, no tedious setup.  See how this streamlined experience not only simplifies your sales process but also enhances the emotional impact when the monument is finally revealed.

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the October edition | 2024

Every Memorial Coin can be sold with confidence Coins are guaranteed against damage and theft, for life Data is stored in Google Cloud, and can be downloaded by the customer at any time Customers are encouraged to come directly to us for all customer support There are no ongoing subscription fees for you or your customers Owners have full control over what content gets posted and who can see it   Offering Memorial Coins is a great way to deepen your customer relations Audiobiography’s Memorial Coins add a modern, heartfelt touch to traditional headstones. By including them in your product line, you provide added value that aligns with families' desires to uniquely honor their loved ones, fostering deeper trust and satisfaction in your client relationships. With...

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