Access Codes | Streamlining your sales process

We revamped the way you sell Memorial Coins, and we think you are gonna love it. Watch the video or keep reading to see how they work. Please reach out if you have feedback or suggestions. We aim to make this as easy as possible for you, so your opinion truly matters.



Alright, lets dive right in.

Access Codes allow your customers INSTANT ACCESS to get started on their Memorial page, without the need of having a physical Memorial Coin present.

We'll lay out an example workflow below, but this allows you to get the customer excited and involved from the start, without having to wait for their actual monument to be made. And more importantly, it eliminates the need for you to keep track of Coins while the monument is being made.


 What should my sales process look like now?

  1. Customer shows interest in a Memorial Coin and decides to purchase

  2. You login to your partners account by clicking on the profile at the top right or by going to

  3. Access the new section in your account labeled "Send Access Code" from the toolbar or using the card at the top of the page

  4. Read through the steps and fill out the form.

  5. Once you submit the request, an email gets sent to both you and your customer containing access to their new Memorial. Clicking the link gets them started and they can immediately start adding pictures, audio, video and text.

  6. The sales process is complete! See how easy that was 😉

  7. If you need to order Memorial Coins to have ready to be laid into the monument, now would be a good time to get them ordered (here's a shortcut:

  8. When the monument is ready, grab any Coin and attach it like you would any challenge coin

  9. Once the monument has been delivered, the customer who received the Access Code simply scans their new Memorial Coin on the monument. We find the Memorial page they have already set up and link it along with all their content.


What else do I need to know?

Sending an Access Card is the same as handing out a brand new Memorial Coin, minus the Coin. They can use all the features of Memorial to its full extent. This hopefully means by the time their monument is installed Memorial Coin already has content added, elevating the moment when their monument is finally revealed.



We really hope this new way of selling Memorial Coins not only makes it easier for you, but also enhances the customer experience. This feature was designed by you, so please leave feedback on changes or improvements we can make.

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